"param": {
"status": true,
"response_code": 1,
"message": "Remitter details fetch successfully.",
"data": {
"fname": "Kajal", //first name of the remitter
"lname": "Sharma", //last name of the remitter
"mobile": "9518883411", //mobile number of the remitter
"status": 1, //active status of the remitter
"pw_limit": "50000", //available limit of the remitter
"is_kyc": 1, //kyc status of the remitter if kyc has been done or not 1:kyc done,0: kyc not done
"wallet_balance": "0", //In this case kyc done but wallet not loaded
"penny_charges": "4.00",
"merchant_code": "R0041427" //Merchant code who initiated the transaction
- This callback has been triggered whenever merchant start the transaction process or in between the process.
- Partner can update there system with updated details of the remitter.
- maximum limit of the wallet load in remitter wallet is Rs. 50000 and Rs. 25000 in single transaction.