"param": {
"status": true,
"response_code": 0/1/2/9,
"message": 'Customer with mobile - XXXXXXXXXX wants to load his wallet with INR-100',
"data": {
"merchant_code": "Merchant code of the pertner merchant",
"mobile": XXXXXXXXXX,
"amount": "amount that remitter topuped in his wallet",
"api_charges": "api charges configured for partner",
"charges": "customer charges",
"gst": "gst of the topuped amount",
"opening": "remitter current balance",
"closing": "reitter balance after the topup",
"comm": "partner commission",
"tds": "tds of the partner commission",
"txn_cost": "total transaction cost that partner got on top of every transaction",
"txn_status": 2,
"refid": "partner reference id that partner sends in confirmation of above callback",//this key will only come in case of response_code = 1
"ackno": "txnid of paysprint",//this key will only come in case of response_code = 1