Refund send otp api

SNoHttp Respose CodeResponse CodeStatusDescription
12001trueRefund Otp Successfully Sent.
22000falseFailed to OTP sent on remitter mobile for transaction.
32002falseTransaction not found or already refunded.
42003falseTransaction not found.
52005falseMerchant is not onboarded on bank. OR Merchant Activation is pending. Kindly activate the merchant. OR Merchant is not activate to use DMT CASA services. Please try again after some time.
72007falsevalidation_errors (dynamic message related to validations)
82008falseUnable to resend refund OTP request.
92009falseInvalid JWT Token or Partner Token Related error .(It's a dynamic message)
1020010falseAuthentication failed.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!