
SNoHttp Response CodeResponse CodeStatusDescription
12000falseSomething went wrong please try again later
32002falseInvalid Pid Data Found.
42003falseInvalid Remitter Details. Kindly initiate the process again with correct remitter mobile number.
52006falseMerchant Activation is pending. Kindly activate the merchant.OR Merchant is not activate to use DMT CASA services. Please try again after some time. OR Merchant is not onboarded on bank.
72009falsevalidation_errors (dynamic message related to validations)
82008falseThese mobile number is not authorise to avail DMT transaction facility!
920010falseDMT service or preference is not active for this account.
1020011falseUnable to process request.
1120012falseInvalid JWT token or token related errors (this is dynamic message could be change as per partner's input parameter)
1220013falseAuthentication failed.
1320014falseFINO CASA Service is down.


Note: In the response of check aadhar api you will get ekyc_flag ,if you get ekyc_flag as "Y" then you no need pass wadh value else you have to pass wadh value

WADH Value- 18f4CEiXeXcfGXvgWA/blxD+w2pw7hfQPY45JMytkPw=

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!