Bene Verification Api

SNoHttp Response CodeResponse CodeStatusDescription
12001trueBeneficiary fetched successfully.
22002falseCustomer record not found.
42005falseDuplicate reference id.
54053falseInvalid Bank Id Passed OR Account verification feature not avaliable.
64054falseBene Id is not linked with mobile number.
720011falseMerchant is not activate to use DMT CASA services. Please try again after some time. OR Merchant Activation is pending. Kindly activate the merchant.OR Merchant is not onboarded on bank.
82007falseMobile Number is not allowed to do remittance.
92008falseRemitter Limit is breached.
102007falsecharges related error(dynamic error)
1120013falsevalidation_errors (dynamic message related to validations)
122009falseUnable to find remitter details.
1320010falseRemittance is not allowed in this account number / mobile number
1420014falseDMT service is not active for this account.
1520016falseInvalid JWT token or token related errors (this is dynamic message could be change as per partner's input parameter)
1641215falseUnable to process loging request.
1720018falseAuthentication failed, Please contact service provider.
1820019falseFINO CASA Service is down.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!